Lately..a lots of politically problem happen among middle east country....stated from Egypt..the egyptian protest to their goverment till 18 day..the conclusion..protester win..their president Hosni Mubarak turned over all power to the military on Feb,2011...after 30 years leading..
Yaaaahhh...Egypt is free...rugi duit goverment Malaysia bawa balik student kita ke tanah air..cik payung heard news..around RM50 million cost sponsered by Goverment...(Duit cukai rakyat tu...)yea la...ramai gak student kita study kat situ..more less 11 thousand student kita kat sana...Masa ni cik payung tengah bercuti kat msia...gempak jugak denagr berita ni...
Tak lama lepas tu...kecoh dekat Bahrain...dan sekarang tengah kecoh dekat Libya...yg ni cik payung tak berapa faham sangat beritanya...sbb cik payung dh balik UAE..cik payung PR(permanent resident) kat negara ni...:)jadi dah kureng tengok news...If cik payung rajin cari news ni..nanti i update okehhh...:P
Taali Hunna...tengok picture ni...
the former president- Hosni Mubarak yg degil itu...

A protester in Tahrir Square
A protester in Tahrir Square
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