Sunday, June 12, 2011

Apam Nasi - 2nd try

This is my second time to make apam nasi adapted from atamadam.blogspots..
On my 1st experience..the apam did not well as my expectation .that was because langgar can see here apam tak gebus

Here I’m just use half of the ingredient from i’m just get 20pcs small cup like the picture below...half of that I brought to friend house..then just 10 pcs left at home..i thought that’s  more enough  for us as a small family..But, all 10pcs just for my little girl Ms Pinky I..My God..i didn’t really know she like it very much..

Taali hunna the receipe..

1 cawan nasi
1 cawan tepung gandum
1 cawan tepung beras
½  cawan brown sugar
½ cawan gula
1 ½ cawan air
1 sudu kecil yis

1.Blend nasi & air sehingga hancur
2.Setelah hancur, campurkan brown sugar dah gula kedalam & blend sehingga sebati
3.Dalam bekas lain, satukan tepung gandum,tepung beras dan yis>
4.Selepas itu,masukkan cecair tadi ked lam bekas tepung.kacau sebati.
5.Perap selama 3 jam
6.Masukkan ke dalam bekas kecil & kukus selama 15 mimit.
7.Hidang bersama kelapa.

# utk mendapatkan dot dot berwarna warni.saya gunakan lidi satay dengan mencucuk warna merah dan hijau kedlam acuan yg berisi apam yg belum masak.


  1. wah! rajin banget cik payung....caya la kali nie mmg gebu apam nasi tu....tahniah2....

  2. tq..nanti kita projek sama2 gak apam ni..winkkk
