Monday, February 28, 2011

Help Kelly Coxhead to get married her fiancee.

A British woman has sent out a worldwide plea to get one millions people to 'like' a Facebook page, so that she can get married.

Kelly Coxhead, 32, engaged to Paul Mappelthorpe for 10 years.

She has always been trying to convince the mechanic to marry her but failed.

Recently, the fiancée finally agreed to marry Coxhead on Nov 11, this year if she can get one million Facebook users to join a group.

Coxhead, of Swindon in England, has sent out her plea about a week ago.

She set up a group "I Need 1 Million People To Join For Paul To Marry Me C'm
n Guys Help Me Lol".

As of Monday, the group has only got 12,000-odd people to like it before her wedding day.

If this happen to cik payung..i will say hi hi..bye bye..ngeeee..:))

Headmaster,teachers, and support staff get reward.

More than 15,000 headmasters, teachers and support staff from 586 primary schools nationwide have been rewarded to the tune of RM18mil by the Education Ministry for their performance.

Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyddin Yassin said a total of RM18.4mil would be paid out immediately to the headmasters and teachers under the ministry's "new deal" aimed at rewarding them for improving their school's overall performance.

He added that school support staff would also be rewarded under the incentive scheme introduced last year.
Some 586 headmasters will receive RM7,500 each while 5% of their teachers with excellent performance will receive RM1,800 each.

The remaining teachers at the schools concerned will receive RM900 each, while the amount for the support staff has yet to be fixed by the ministry.

Lets learn French...

Cik Payung feeling much better right now..are you free to spend time few second learning french with me??good..lets start..

- Bonjoure Madamme = Hello Madam
- Mercie = Thank You
- De rien = You are welcome
- Je'mapelle Cik 'fhayounge'(french style)..hehehe = My name Cik Payung..

kenapa cik payung tiba2 nak learn french ni??My eldest daughter ask me how to pronounced the do i know..nak terbelit lidah now..cik payung terpaksa la learning..or else cik payung need go to class...eiiii..tak rela...

Muammar Gaddafi !!!! Please step down...

Unrest situation in Tabrouk and several city at Libya nowadays.I felt major country among middle East unstable.Againt, their people protest their govenment.Cik Payung feeling also unstable right now.No word can described beside than photo..Layan je la photo2 ni..

the protester

Muammar Gaddafi..The President..
Alhamdulillah...while cik payung writing...i'm still breathing dgn izin Allah...He give us a good health..peaceful of our country..thank you Allah...

Lately..a lots of politically problem happen among middle east country....stated from Egypt..the egyptian protest to their goverment till 18 day..the conclusion..protester win..their president Hosni Mubarak turned over all power to the military on Feb,2011...after 30 years leading..

Yaaaahhh...Egypt is free...rugi duit goverment Malaysia bawa balik student kita ke tanah air..cik payung heard news..around RM50 million cost sponsered by Goverment...(Duit cukai rakyat tu...)yea la...ramai gak student kita study kat situ..more less 11 thousand student kita kat sana...Masa ni cik payung tengah bercuti kat msia...gempak jugak denagr berita ni...

Tak lama lepas tu...kecoh dekat Bahrain...dan sekarang tengah kecoh dekat Libya...yg ni cik payung tak berapa faham sangat beritanya...sbb cik payung dh balik UAE..cik payung PR(permanent resident) kat negara ni...:)jadi dah kureng tengok news...If cik payung rajin cari news ni..nanti i update okehhh...:P

Taali Hunna...tengok picture ni...

the former president- Hosni Mubarak yg degil itu...

Victory march at Cairo's Tahrir Square

 A protester in Tahrir Square

20m-long dragon cake

A GIANT 20m-long Dragon cake greeted guests at the Berjaya Founder’s Day celebration last Saturday at the Berjaya Times Square mall’s boulevard entrance.The dragon weighs over 600kg and is made from chocolate from head-to-tail.

Gigantic: Speciallydesigned chocolate cake in the form of a dragon.
Long and flowy: The scales at the tail of the dragon are also made of chocolate.

A huge increment salaries for several sectors..

Professionals from the information and communication technology (ICT) sector, accounting and finance industry, banking, logistics and sales have a lot to cheer about this year – their salaries are set to rise by as much as 30% compared with last year.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

UAE house price going down..

The United Arab Emirates inflation eased to 1.6 percent on an annual basis in January and fell 0.3 percent on the month mainly due to lower housing and food costs, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Sunday.

Analysts expected prices in the world's third largest oil exporter to pick up gradually this year as the Gulf country recovers from Dubai debt woes.

Prices for UAE property came down again in the last quarter at an average of 4 per cent, with villas performing the strongest, according to Colliers International House Price Index, suggesting a trend for the remainder of the year.

Lee Young Ea give birth a twin...

My favourite korean actress..Lee Young Ea has gives birth to twins..My goshhhh...she was 40!!!...i guess she just late 20th or early 30th..

After cik payung watched the drama...Jewel in the palace..cik payung serious admired her natural beauty..she really gorgeous..talented..and young as her plastic surgery okey..i lioke it...

Taali hunna...jom layan video Lee Young Ea..

no doubt.. gorgeous right....tak tipuuu..

teacher Shida miming tak hengat

Aahaaaaa....cik payung really2 admired Teacher Shida creativity workout...mmg ada nilai seni gitew..even though she was a teacher...bukan pelakon..penyanyi...sungguh pun lawyer...erkk..apa kena mengena dgn lawyer...toingggg...

Taali hunna...layan aje la video teacher ni...

New Zealand Eartquake - Malaysian Women Missing.

The earthquake, measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale last Tuesday, has caused the death of 98 people, while 300 others were reported missing.

Search efforts to find a Malaysian woman who was reported missing in Christchurch, New Zealand following earthquakes last Tuesday are still ongoing.

According to Ayauf Bachi, chief of the Malaysian operations room in Chirstchurch, they received reports on the missing woman from her friends on the day of the incident.

The family of the woman, who is in her 30s and originated from Sarawak, has been informed of her disappearance, he told Bernama when contacted on the latest information on Malaysians there.

KItchen Talk - Sup Ketam

Hi blogger...cik payung just wake up from sleep..tody cik payung got a long list work to hate this) payung still lepaking atas katil..hehehehe...blogging dulu.:P
Before cik payung jump out frm bed....layan sup ketam ni..yesterday punya..

- 3 ekor ketam
- 2 biji kentang.belah 4
- 3biji bawang merah
- 2 biji bawang putih
- 1 inci halia
- 1 kiub ikan bilis knorr
- daun sup
- bawang goreng

panaskan minyak..tumis bawang merah,bawang putih,halia..masukkan air..tunggu hingga mendidih..masukkan kiub pati ikan bilis knorr..kemudian boleh la dimasukkan ketam...tunggu hingga masak sedikit..masukkan kentang...apabila sudah cukup masak..hiaskan denagn daun sup & bawang goreng..

suka tengok youtube dia...

Last few day...cik payung hangout at other blogger..if i not mistaken Lolipop...lolipopppp...ermmm..they hv something tag name beside there...arghhh...i'm getting old already..cannot remember the small2 thing like this...(tu la...byk makan semut...huahahaha)

She awarded satu mamat ni...tak mo la mamat..mcm mat rempit pulok...okey..cik payung call him brother okey..his name mat luthfi90.....

Taali hunna his youtube...lawak seriusszz...

Tak jemu2 cik payung layan video ni...hehehe

Nice Bedroom...ermmm

Before cik payung take off  dr kerusi utk cooking time..lunch ler...almost 12 o'clock afternoon pun...frend kat msia mesti dah kenyang sarat barat dlm pewut tu...cik payung baru nk cari idea nak masak.....opsss...jauh pulak melalut...

Taali hunna...once cik payung kung fu @ kitchen...uoall layan dulu pict ni...

Ermmm...that was really awesome!!!Do u think that was mine??cik payung punya bedroom ke?atau..cik payung overnight at any 5star hotel ??? picture just for reference onces cik payung go back for good some other time nanti...just idea aje lah...berangan dulu boley??!!!...cehhh...buang karan betul...

InFo - what about 'salam'

Salam all...Cik payung excited...geram..while writing this entry...we have no idea whos the one created that story..'jangan guna perkataan salam'..dah merebak kat FB...

Here comes the answers...baca jangan tak baca...(cik payung copy paste aje yea..)

Assalamualaikum, Beberapa hari kebelakangan ini tersebar artikel bertajuk JANGAN GUNAKAN PERKATAAN "SALAM", yang dipanjangkan oleh orang yang berlainan. (juga di sini)

Mengapa sampai melarang menggunakan perkataan SALAM?

Perkataan SALAM atau AS SALAM tiada salahnya, malah merupakan salah satu Asmaul Husna. Saya tidak tahu siapa penulis asal artikel ini, yang sangat mengelirukan, kerana ramai yang telah copy & paste dan menyebarkannya. Yang pasti ia bukan bersumber dari Ustaz Zawawi, hanya kata-kata beliau digunakan dalam artikel ini.

Terjemahan ayatnya pun tidak lengkap...terus saja dimaksudkan SALAM itu sebagai SELAMAT TINGGAL...lalu diajak semua orang agar JANGAN GUNAKAN PERKATAAN "SALAM". 

Penulisnya menulis: 
بِسْــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
اَلسَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
SIAPA YANG MENGGUNAKAN PERKATAAN "SALAM"? apakah maksud disebaliknya??
Maka berpalinglah (hai Muhammad) dari mereka dan katakanlah:"Salam (selamat tinggal)".
Kelak mereka akan mengetahui (nasib mereka yangburuk). (QS. 43:89)

فَٱصۡفَحۡ عَنۡہُمۡ وَقُلۡ سَلَـٰمٌ۬‌ۚ فَسَوۡفَ يَعۡلَمُونَ

Terjemahan ayat yang lengkap seperti berikut: (Tuhan menjawab rayuannya dengan berfirman): "Jika demikian, maka janganlah engkau (wahai Muhammad) hiraukan mereka, dan katakanlah: ` Selamat tinggallah! ' Kemudian mereka akan mengetahui kelak (akibat keingkarannya)! " (Az-Zukhruf 43:89)

Salam maksudnya selamat, dalam terjemahan ayat ini, "salam" bermaksud ucapan selamat tinggal, namun ia tetap sebagai doa keselamatan bagi mereka, agar di suatu masa mereka yang engkar itu akan sedar. Ini dikategorikan oleh ulama tafsir sebagai salam al-Musalamah/al-Mutarakah; iaitu bermaksud selamat tinggal. Sementara salam bagi orang-orang mukmin disebut sebagai salam at-Tahiyyah; iaitu bermaksud mendoakan keselamatan dan keamanan. 

Mana boleh kita mengajak orang ramai agar jangan guna kalimah salam, sedangkan salam merupakan salah satu asmaul husna, dan banyak ayat-ayat yang menggunakan perkataan salam untuk mengucap takzim kepada para Nabi. Malah perkataan SALAM itu dari Allah SWT. 

سَلَـٰمٌ۬ قَوۡلاً۬ مِّن رَّبٍّ۬ رَّحِيمٍ۬

Salam sejahtera dari Tuhan Yang Maha Mengasihani. (Yaa Siin 36:58) 

Sebagai contoh, saya memetik beberapa ayat Al Quran:

وَإِذَا حُيِّيتُم بِتَحِيَّةٍ۬ فَحَيُّواْ بِأَحۡسَنَ مِنۡہَآ أَوۡ رُدُّوهَآ‌ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىۡءٍ حَسِيبًا 

Dan apabila kamu diberikan penghormatan dengan sesuatu ucapan hormat (seperti memberi salam), maka balaslah penghormatan itu dengan yang lebih baik daripadanya, atau balaslah dia (dengan cara yang sama). Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa menghitung tiap-tiap sesuatu. (An-Nisaa' 4:86)

إِذۡ دَخَلُواْ عَلَيۡهِ فَقَالُواْ سَلَـٰمً۬ا قَالَ إِنَّا مِنكُمۡ وَجِلُونَ

Ketika mereka masuk mendapatkannya lalu memberi salam dengan berkata: "Selamat sejahtera kepadamu!" Ia berkata: "Sesungguhnya kami berasa takut kepada kamu". (Al-Hijr 15:52)

 سَلَـٰمٌ عَلَىٰ نُوحٍ۬ فِى ٱلۡعَـٰلَمِينَ  

"Salam sejahtera kepada Nabi Nuh dalam kalangan penduduk seluruh alam ! " (As-Saaffaat 37:79)

سَلَـٰمٌ عَلَىٰٓ إِبۡرَٲهِيمَ

"Salam sejahtera kepada Nabi Ibrahim!". (As-Saaffaat 37:109)

Penulis-penulis artikel ini menggunakan kenyataan Al Fadhil Ustaz Zawawi sebagai menguatkan hujahnya, sedangkan tiada kaitan perenggan yang pertama dengan kenyataan Ustaz Zawawi, malah menggunakan gambar Ustaz Zawawi lagi...sangat mengelirukan.

Kita sering berselawat dan memberi salam kepada Rasulullah SAW dengan ucapan, 

الصلوة والسلام عليك يا رسول الله، الصلوة والسلام عليك يا حبيب الله

Selawat dan SALAM ke atasmu wahai Rasulullah..
Selawat dan SALAM ke atasmu wahai Kekasih Allah..

Allah SWT memerintahkan kita berselawat dan mengucap SALAM kepada Rasulullah SAW, maksud firman Allah SWT,

إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَمَلَـٰٓٮِٕڪَتَهُ ۥ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى ٱلنَّبِىِّۚ يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ صَلُّواْ عَلَيۡهِ وَسَلِّمُواْ تَسۡلِيمًا

"Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikatNya berselawat (memberi segala penghormatan dan kebaikan) kepada Nabi (Muhammad SAW); wahai orang-orang yang beriman berselawatlah kamu kepadanya serta ucapkanlah SALAM sejahtera dengan penghormatan yang sepenuhnya. (Al-Ahzaab 33:56)

“Tiga perkara yang boleh mengeratkan persahabatan dengan saudaramu iaitu memberi SALAM apabila bertemu dengannya dan menyediakan tempat duduknya dalam sesuatu majlis serta panggilah ia dengan nama yang paling disenanginya.” [Riwayat Al-Tabrani]

Adakah SALAM di sini bermaksud "SELAMAT TINGGAL"?

p/s: Untuk mendapat ayat-ayat yang menggunakan perkataan SALAM, sila layari, cari ayat guna keyword SALAM, tidak kurang 20 ayat terdapat perkataan SALAM.

Silakan Tag @ Share

Kitchen Talk ~ Kuih Lapis talk again???!! Kuih Lapis ni miss pinky I & miss pinky II would like sooo coloured!!...that was for that reasons....ermmm...if they are boy i dont think they will like them, right...(memng la...smbil hantok2 pale kat dinding)...tionggggg....

I never tried to make it before...tapi..teringin punya pasal...cik payung hentam keromo je la buat...but follow by receipe okey...research 1st...and tested approved...buleh wat niaga kat pasar malam...hehehe....

Taali hunna...come layan kuih lapis..

                                                cun tak kuih lapis cik payung ni...

- 1 1/2 cw tepug gandum
- 3 sudu besar tepung beras
- 2 sudu besar tepung jagung
- 1 cwn gula
- 5 cwn santan
- 1 sudu kecil garam
- pewarna merah & perisa rose

* Gaul rata bhn & tapis.bahagikan kepada 2 bahagian.
Masukkan perisa rose kepada satu bahagian, & biarkan putih pd satu bahagian lagi.
panaskan periuk kukus.Masukkan satu senduk adunan merah dlm loyang.Kukus selama 10 min.kemudian msukkan warna putih ke dlam loyang..kukus 10 min..buat sampai habis.Tutup adunan dgn kitchen towel agar air tidak menitik keatas permukaan kuih.kukus selama 20 min.

KItchen Talk `~ Seri Muka

Salam all...after 2nd tried blogging...i'm edicted.!!!!..hehehe..(takut hangat2 tahi ayam je)..
Entry for tdy...i would like to introduce cooking corner... Kitchen Talk...

Taali huna...layan je la...

1st attemp...wallahhh...

Bottom layer
~ 1 1/2 cup beras pulut (4 hours soak)
~ coconut milk

Top Layer
~ 2 nos egg
~ 1/2 (half cup) sugar
~ 10pcs padan (blend till get 1 cup)
~ 2 cup cocunut milk
~ 3/4 purpose flour
~ 1tsp topica flour/cor flour
~ 1tsp salt
~ gree colour (optional)

~team glutinous rice with coconut milk & slt for 30 min.Rest abt 10 min, then transfer & press steamed rice onto.
~Beat eggs with sugar till dissolved.Add 1 pandan water, coconut milk, salt & green colour.mix well...Stift i flour & whisk till well combined.stain in mixt ad rest for 10 min.pour the mix in the pan with glatinous rice and steam over in medium heat for 30 min.

Hola Friends....

Salam blogger....ermmm..after quite long time not jenguk2 my house ni...i thought spider net here and there,...arghhh..tak ngaku gak tu..hehehhe..

Actually kan..i'm  not familiar with this kind of icon and so on...just clicking any button..if i tired and fed up...give up with this kind of thing...i just leave it there..and that why..agak berhabok jugak blog ni..(bukan bersawang okeyyy...):P

I have no idea what standart of my blog..what i mean is..the story mory going around...ermm..could be cooking...could be hot info...gossiping...weird story...ghost story!??(owhhh noooo...)..but unfortunately...not my life story okeyy...(rejected proposal frm big bos)..sad face..'u shlould not exposed yourself to stranger' .....the last one i'm not promise 100% bos!!!

Taali huna...come layan pict ni...

 What a related entry with this pict...Lalalalalala...

See...i told u before right...i hv no idea at all abt my blog...hehehhehe..not related pun layan je la...ngeh3x...

AhLAn Wasahlan Ya Doniaaa

السلام عليكم....This my new activities as a great mom nothing to do for the whole day...yup!!! blogging...instead of FBing..hehehe...what else to do...always reading other hv one..same like uoll...

Hmmm...i thought after this..i can busy updating,creating new story mory with this blog even though this is my 1st time with no experience at all...

1st at to my sisto coz she created this blog as im not able to sign in at middle east..aiyooo..u know what..they cameout with arabic language daaa...from afternoon part till night i facing that started from year ago...Then..since my sisto free due to new semester..i'm ask her to create blog for her elders sisto...eceh...good reason...hehehe